Fellow herpetologists, the time has come to grab your bush hat and dig out your field guide for Australian reptiles. As promised in my previous post (Computer Herping), I have created an ID quiz for Australian reptiles, complete with new features including a clue for each species and different difficulties to play.
With 204 species of snake and 754 species of lizard, I think it is safe to say that this set of quizzes is challenging; unless you are a seasoned herpetologist.
All information and images are from arod.com.au. Stewart McDonald, who created and manages the site, has done a fantastic job of providing a resource for all you need to know about Australian herps. This online resource is enhanced by the efforts of several awesome photographers (including Stewart), who have helped catalog nearly all the Australian reptile species. Without all these people I would not have been able to create the quizzes. Regrettably I have limited the number of photos per species to 3 (mainly because there are 958 species in total and that is a lot of spare time spent copying code).
I would recommend that you check out arod.com.au and if you have any images of species send them in, particularly if they are of species which do not yet have images loaded. See below for a list of missing species and to for info on the new features I have added to the quiz.
Snakes of Australia 
Lizards of Australia

All Reptiles of Australia
THE CLUE: There is now a clue button which will reveal the species distribution, but clicking this button will reduce your final score!
DIFFICULTY SETTINGS: At the start of the quiz you can choose either an easy or a hard difficulty. The easy difficulty will give you 5 species options, one of which is the corrcet but, submit the wrong species and you’ll lose marks. The hard setting requires you to type the species name. N.B. The hard setting is not case sensitive but, when entering common names you will need to add special characters e.g. for the ‘dark broad-blazed slider’ you must enter the hyphen. All names are the same as those found on arod.com.au
Slate-brown snake (Stegonotus parvus)
Ord curl snake (Suta ordensis)
Stagger-banded sea snake (Aipysurus foliosquama)
Dusky sea snake (Aipysurus fuscus)
Mjoberg’s sea snake (Aipysurus tenuis)
Beaked sea snake (Enhydrina schistosa)
Black-headed sea snake (Hydrophis atriceps)
Dwarf sea snake (Hydrophis caerulescens)
Slender-necked sea snake (Hydrophis coggeri)
Slender sea snake (Hydrophis gracilis)
Plain sea snake (Hydrophis inornatus)
Small-headed sea snake (Hydrophis macdowelli)
Black-banded robust sea snake (Hydrophis melanosoma)
Spotted sea snake (Hydrophis ornatus)
Large-headed sea snake (Hydrophis pacificus)
Plain-banded sea snake (Hydrophis vorisi)
Shovel-snouted blind snake (Ramphotyphlops batillus)
Cape York blind snake (Ramphotyphlops leucoproctus)
Extremely long blind snake (Ramphotyphlops longissimus)
Buff-snouted blind snake (Ramphotyphlops margaretae)
Small-eyed blind snake (Ramphotyphlops micromma)
Groote Eylandt dwarf blind snake (Ramphotyphlops minimus)
Roberts’ blind snake (Ramphotyphlops robertsi)
Splendid blind snake (Ramphotyphlops splendidus)
Sandamara blind snake (Ramphotyphlops troglodytes)
Yampi blind snake (Ramphotyphlops yampiensis)
Yirrkala blind snake (Ramphotyphlops yirrikalae)
Gravel dragon (Cryptagama aurita)
Crystal Creek two-lined dragon (Diporiphora convergens)
Plain-backed two-lined dragon (Diporiphora reginae)
Five-lined earless dragon (Tympanocryptis pentalineata)
Even-scaled earless dragon (Tympanocryptis uniformis)
Gulf fat-tailed gecko (Diplodactylus barraganae)
Kimberley fat-tailed gecko (Diplodactylus custos)
Kenneally’s gecko (Diplodactylus kenneallyi)
Slender chained gecko (Lepidodactylus pumilus)
Five-keeled rainbow-skink (Carlia quinquecarinata)
Mertens’ snake-eyed skink (Cryptoblepharus mertensi)
Plain-backed Kimberley ctenotus (Ctenotus burbidgei)
Black-soil ctenotus (Ctenotus joanae)
Atherton ctenotus (Ctenotus monticola)
North-western wedgesnout ctenotus (Ctenotus pallescens)
Cape Heath ctenotus (Ctenotus rawlinsoni)
Crack-dwelling ctenotus (Ctenotus rimacola)
Red-earth ctenotus (Ctenotus rosarium)
Gravel-downs ctenotus (Ctenotus serotinus)
Buff-striped ctenotus (Ctenotus storri)
Stuart’s ctenotus (Ctenotus stuarti)
Uneven-striped ctenotus (Ctenotus vagus)
Kimberley crevice-skink (Egernia douglasi)
Hidden litter-skink (Lygisaurus abscondita)
Pedra Branca cool-skink (Niveoscincus palfreymani)
Eastern soil-crevice skink (Proablepharus barrylyoni)
Bungle Bungle robust slider (Lerista bunglebungle)
Wide-striped mulch slider (Lerista elongata)
Gnaraloo mulch-slider (Lerista haroldi)
Hidden slider (Lerista occulta)
Yampi sandslider (Lerista praefrontalis)
Dark-streaked slider (Lerista quadrivincula)
Broad-eyed slider (Lerista robusta)
Pale-striped mulch slider (Lerista speciosa)